Life is precious! Spend it with friends.
Nothing worthwhile was made alone. The same is true for life. A life in solitude is just dying slowly.
Lone wolves die unless they form packs of their own.
Rome was not built by lone legionaries. Michelangelo stood on the shoulders of guilds and powerful aristocrats.
Spend time with people in real life. Invite to get together. Play cards.
See who can handle losing, who can handle winning and see who cheats.
And most importantly: See who insists on dying behind their phone and who shows up in real life.
Card games are simple, immediate and eerily predictive for how people handle life.
Play cards to get to know people and you to know yourself.
Rad Loot cards are for those who know that time spent together is golden, and appreciate this by giving their game night extra flair.
Isolation is death. Play to win. Play to live.